Accueil » Sécurité » Ngarbuh massacres: traditional chief informs court that 21 dead were buried in four graves

Ngarbuh massacres: traditional chief informs court that 21 dead were buried in four graves

par Theophile

Revelation of the Fon of Ntumbaw Nfor Mohammed, the first witness interviewed in this procedure. It was Thursday, June 17, 2021 at the Yaoundé Military Tribunal.

A hearing in the trial of the three soldiers accused of the massacres which took place on the night of February 14, 2021 in Ngarbuh, North West region, took place on Thursday June 17, 2021 before the Yaoundé Military Tribunal. It was devoted to hearing witnesses and only one testified. In this case Nfor Mohammed, the Fon of Ntumbaw, in the district of Ndu.

According to the daily Le Jour on Friday, June 18, 2021, the families of the victims were unable to attend the trial due to “transport money and security problems“.

The traditional authority submitted to the questioning of the lawyer for the civil party, Me Amungwa Tanyi, who represents the families of the victims in the trial. He clearly states that 21 people lost their lives in this tragedy, and that they were all buried in four graves. “On February 14, 2020 in the morning, She Djaliai, one of my collaborators, came to inform me that the soldiers killed my constituents. It was at night, I could not move because a traditional chief does not see corpses. I sent people to perform the rites at the scene of the incident and for the burial of the remains. After the rites, I went to the scene on February 14, 2020 accompanied by the D.O of Donga Mantung and the S.D.O of Ndu. Once there, we found four graves and several people were at the scene. A lot of people were crying because the scene was horrible.

The populations informed us that it was the soldiers who killed these people. The administrative authorities promised the populations that the state would do everything to shed light on this matter. On the spot, 21 people were identified among the registered deaths. All these people were buried in the four graves ”, testifies Nfor Mohammed.

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He also revealed that among the victims of this killing was a secessionist fighter, whom he did not take care to denounce to the authorities before the massacres of February 14, 2020, and accepts this as a mistake on his part. The next hearing in this case will take place on July 15, 2021.


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