A press release signed by the Vice-President of the ACT-AGIR movement, as a prelude to the funeral of Mr. Christian Penda Ekoka, who died on August 8, forbids members and supporters of the MRC, his political ally, not to participate in the various ceremonies organized in the occasion of his funeral.
In a press release signed this Sunday, Prof. Yap Boum II, vice-president of Mouvement Agir, ask the president of the Cameroun Renaissance Mouvement (CRM) and his supporters not to take part in the funeral ceremony of the economist Christian Penda Ekoka.
Youssouf Bamen Calixte, an ACT-AGIR activist immediately reacted to this press release. “By this press release of anger and indigestible to my reading, signed by the vice-president of AGIR / ACT, an association of which I am a member, not only do I dissociate myself from the phraseology of the press release, but I indicate by this exit no longer count me among the number of members, ” he wrote on Monday 23 August 2021.
He later paid tribute to the former adviser to President Paul Biya. “The word of man is testimony. Leaving this land is everyone’s fate and Mr. Penda Ekoka Christian said and I quoted him: “Neither bitterness nor frustration, my conventions are based on facts and not on anger. He was by virtue of his slender athleticism, a man of mind to be shaken. His illness was known to his family, and his death is no mystery. “
For Me Amédée Dimitri Touko Kom, he thinks that the press release in question rather sullies the memory of the illustrious disappeared. “The shamelessness, the indecency, the impertinence of this press release, which in reality dirties the memory of the illustrious character who died and above all imposes on the survivors the idea according to which, we would be absolutely right simply because we are dead, because we are no longer there to defend ourselves, which implies that part of the Cameroonian resistance, would be ruthless, gratuitously malicious and therefore infrequent … “, writes the former SDF activist.