Accueil » Cameroun » Cameroon-Anglophone crisis: Separatists lay coffins in some streets of Bamenda

Cameroon-Anglophone crisis: Separatists lay coffins in some streets of Bamenda

par Theophile
Des combattants séparatistes

Coffins were placed at Mulang, Rendezvous, Old Ntarinkon and City Chemist intersections in the Northwest region.

After a bloody weekend, the separatists rely on supernatural means for revenge. As much as they killed about ten soldiers, they suffered losses.

Overtaken by the Cameroonian army, the separatists are now betting on fetishes for revenge. According to our colleague Mimi Mefo, they were neutralized in turn at the City Chemist roundabout, in Che Street and in Mile Two.

As if to instill a kind of fear and psychosis among the population, separatist fighters, we learned from the same source, laid coffins at the Mulang, Rendezvous, Old Ntarinkon and City Chemist roundabout in the North West Region.

This situation did not leave certain residents silent, to whom our colleague Mimi Mefo handed the microphone: “I used to hear about these exploits of separatist fighters in Kom, Bafut and NSo. Now it is practiced in the city. I wonder how this will fight their opponents, ”said one.

Another for its part, found outdated, this tactic employed by these armed men: “How can the soldiers kill your brothers or friends with firearms and you are going to do voodoo in a coffin and come and stand on the road. It’s very primitive, ”Mimi Mefo reported.

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