Accueil » Cameroun » Opinion: “I am one of the few people happy with Tenor’s incarceration”

Opinion: “I am one of the few people happy with Tenor’s incarceration”

par Theophile
Tenor et la défunte Erica

Writer and radio host Brice Sado, said in a post that followed Tenor’s incarceration in New Bell prison on Friday that this captivity will allow him to better weather the difficult period he is going through at the moment.

In the opinion of some internet users, the musician deserves exactly what is happening to him.


I am certainly one of the few people who are “happy” with the incarceration of the artist TENOR this evening. Those who are indignant and cry have not bothered to analyze the thing from another angle, thus letting the passion take possession of their brain.
In view of the current situation, the only thing that could “liberate” TENOR is prison. Let me explain :
First, for him to go there will do “good” to his conscience and soothe his heart. At the end of it (however long it takes), he will have the impression of having “paid the price” for this unfortunate incident and he will feel much better, even if the damage cannot be repaired.
Secondly, this imprisonment will protect him from any possible settling of scores on the part of young Erika’s family or those close to him. (Remember the words of the father of the deceased at the hospital) Don’t forget that this is the weekend that she will be on her last trip. It would therefore have been indecent for the young girl to be buried without the main concerned being worried (even out of respect for the family).
By burying their daughter on the weekend, the family will be relieved by this news and will have the feeling that justice is being done, and may eventually forget this “dowry” affair which I think is much more complicated to manage. The prison that TENOR is doing (And I hope not for long), is a prison that “protects” and FREE on both sides ….
Courage to the artist and sincere condolences to ERIKA’s family once again …

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