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The Ministry of Tourism and Leisure authorizes the opening of 15 new hotels in Cameroon

par Theophile
Taybe Ngaba, the director of tourism companies at the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure

Ten days after the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education made public the list of 37 hotels selected for CAN Total Energies Cameroon 2021, that of Tourism and Leisure authorized the construction on the one hand, and the opening on the other hand, new infrastructure to diversify the other.

The new hotels authorized to open are certainly among the 37 chosen to accommodate delegations and media personnel on the 5 sites that will host the competition from January 9 to February 6, 2022. On August 3, 2021, Prof. Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, in his quality of national president of Cocan 20-21, made official, the list of hotel infrastructures dedicated to CAN.

On August 13, 2021, at the end of a session of the National Technical Commission for Tourism Companies, the Ministry of Tourism gave its favorable opinion for the opening of 15 new hotel establishments in the country, reports the Daily with public capital, Cameroon Tribune.

Of the fifty or so files submitted for examination, the Commission “issued 19 authorizations for the construction of hotels, 15 authorizations to open hotels, two authorizations to open leisure establishments, an authorization to open a restaurant, two travel agency licenses and a tourist guide license. The Commission issued an unfavorable opinion on seven cases and a qualified opinion on five other cases, ”summarizes Taybe Ngaba, the director of tourism companies at the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure.

The only objective in giving this agreement is to provide the country with infrastructure given the number of delegations from 24 countries, which will take part in this sporting and cultural festival.

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