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Cameroon-Nguon: The dates for the next edition of the Nguon festival are known.

by Theophile
Le Nguon, rendez-vous traditionnel et ancestral du peuple Bamoun fondé au XIVe siècle

It will be from November 29 to December 8, 2024 in Foumban, capital of Noun in the Western region.

The announcement was made on Sunday, December 10 by the Sultan King of Bamoun, Nabil Mbombo Njoya, during a reception offered following the inscription of Nguon on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Ceremony during which the latter expressed his gratitude to the Head of State for the institutional support provided to the Nguon file, reports the state-owned daily Cameroon tribune.

A traditional and ancestral meeting of the Bamoun people founded in the 14th century, the Nguon takes place every two years in Foumban. The festival is a time when Bamoun populations come together to express their ideas and to air their grievances. It is also a moment when the king becomes one with his people, a moment when hereditary class distinctions and privileges cease to exist.

As a reminder, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) listed Nguon on December 6 as a set of “governance rituals” as the intangible heritage of humanity. It was during the 18th session of its Inter-governmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Kasane, Botswana. This recognition makes Nguon the very first national intangible cultural element to appear on this UNESCO List.


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