Accueil » Opinion » Wilfried Ekanga: “we undress a woman who has stolen a telephone and we leave those who have stolen 180 billion in costume?”

Wilfried Ekanga: “we undress a woman who has stolen a telephone and we leave those who have stolen 180 billion in costume?”

par Theophile
Wilfried Ekanga

Wilfried Ekanga does not understand how a woman could have been stripped for stealing a phone and that on the other hand, those he claims to have embezzled Covid-19 funds got nothing.

With all his own humor, the activist of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (MRC) blasted the stripping of a woman who was guilty of theft a few days ago in Yaoundé.

We undress a woman who stole a phone and leave those who stole 180 billion in suits?” The gang of thugs !!! ”, wrote the activist of the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon (MRC) on his Facebook page.

As a reminder, Esther was stripped and forced to expose her nudity in front of a smartphone camera in Nkomkana in Yaoundé. The reason, she is accused of phone theft and complicity in theft of match. The abject video then toured networks and even social media, indignant Cameroonians of all stripes.

The concerned then filed a complaint for breach of her privacy, on Wednesday July 7, 2021 against Dame Christelle, owner of the store where the act was committed, was arrested, and referred to the prosecution. Reports at report that she was released around midnight Friday, July 9, 2021. Her complaint against those who exposed her nudity, on social media, has flourished. The authors of pictures published in social networks, Souleymanou and Mohamadou, were placed under arrest warrant at Yaoundé central prison the same evening.

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