Accueil » Sécurité » UPC calls on Paul Biya to take “special” measures to end the Anglophone crisis

UPC calls on Paul Biya to take “special” measures to end the Anglophone crisis

par Theophile
Robert Bapooh Lipot

According to Robert Bapooh Lipot, no negotiation should be considered with those who have decided to make human devaluation.

While the Anglophone crisis continues to claim victims in the North-West and South-West regions, the Secretary General of a fringe of the Union of the populations of Cameroon (UPC) Robert Bapooh Lipot, calls on Paul Biya to emphasize the fight against the separatists.

According to a press release whose obtained a copy of on June 23, 2021, the only way to combat these new kidnappings is to counterattack with force.

On June 15, 2021, in Misore, department of Ndian, in the South-West region, by kidnapping Departmental Delegates on official mission, in the service of the republic and, assassinating a peaceful official devoted to the development of Cameroon, the secessionist terrorists attacked the institutions of the republic and those who embody them on a daily basis. This heinous act of war demands that special measures be taken by the Head of State, to give exceptional powers to the Defense and Security Forces, in order to put an end to these barbaric terrorist attacks.

The UPC presents its condolences to the bruised and bereaved families, while inviting the populations of the North-West and South-West, not to give in to terror, to be vigilant and to provide their support to the Government, to the Defense Forces and Security, in order to definitively defeat these secessionist terrorists.

The UPC provides support to the Cameroonian Army and to the Supreme Chief of the Armies and Head of State, H.E. Paul Biya. While reiterating that there is no such thing as bringing the Republic and the State of Cameroon to Knees, in front of the Terrorist Barbarians.

No negotiations should be considered with those who have decided to use human devaluation as a weapon to destabilize Cameroon and its institutions. The Legal and Legitimate Force of the State must be fully set in motion for the best interests of Cameroon.

The UPC condemns these barbaric attacks and calls for the Sacred Union of the entire Cameroonian Political Class, behind the Head of State, HE Paul Biya and the Cameroonian Armed Forces, to defeat the Terrorist Secessionists and safeguard Unity and the indivisibility of Cameroon.

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