Accueil » Cameroun » The young lady forcibly undressed in Yaoundé files a complaint

The young lady forcibly undressed in Yaoundé files a complaint

par Theophile
Justice camerouaise

Victim of the voyeurism of some Cameroonians, she calls for justice.

Victim of the voyeurism of some Cameroonians in Nkomkana in Yaoundé, Esther Mamadi does not intend to leave her executioners unpunished. The young lady lodged a complaint on July 6, 2021 with the Commander of the Gendarmerie of Tsinda. “I went to a hairdressing salon on July 5, 2021 to do my shopping. Unfortunately, I stole a phone that I returned later, “she recounts in this document, which has obtained a copy of.

According to her account, the owner of the place then called in a group of people who beat up the thief, stripped her naked and asked her “to spread her legs to film her private parts“. This is why Esther Memadi demands that “justice be done” in accordance with the law of December 21, 2010 on cybersecurity and cybercrime in Cameroon. In particular, in its article 74 paragraphs 1 to 8.

After the broadcast of this video on the web, the vast majority of Cameroonian Internet users have stepped up to denounce this umpteenth behavioral deviation which has arisen just a few days after the successive scadales of sextapes. This is the case of the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon (Mrc) through its National Secretary for Human Rights condemns the “degrading” exposure of this lady’s nudity.

That said, the MRC strongly condemns the dehumanizing, humiliating, savage and barbaric acts to which this young lady is delivered, and is astonished that these practices which develop daily under the nose and beard of the administrative and judicial authorities tend to become commonplace, because they go unpunished, ”writes Master Sikati Desiré in the press release released on July 7, 2021.

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For this political formation, the silence of the authorities since the broadcast of this video is not normal. By their silence, believes the MRC, the administrative authorities, but especially the judiciary, give the impression of normalizing these inhuman behaviors.


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