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Prosper Nkou Mvondo: “It is high time we decriminalized the homosexual”

par Theophile
Prosper Nkou Mvondo

According to the president of the Universe party, those who commit this type of deviance are sick, rather they need medical help.

In the program Le Club, broadcast on Bnews1, a private television broadcasting from Yaoundé in Cameroon, Prosper Nkou Mvondo surprises and calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality in our country. For him, it is more of a disease. “It is high time we decriminalized this affair (homosexuality, editor’s note). For me, the people who commit these deviations are sick people. Rather, it is necessary to treat them. It is not by putting them in prison that we will solve this evil, “said the president of the Universe party.

Its release follows news about the LGBT community which has been on the rise in recent days in Cameroon. First, the controversial presence of a homosexual couple legally married in Switzerland on Cameroonian soil. Raoul Bengono and Henry Paulin have for some, celebrated their traditional marriage the surpassed weekend in Akoua in Nyong and Mfoumou. And for others, they attended the dowry ceremony for Mr. Bengono’s niece. All in all, their presence in Cameroon has been strongly contested by several political and civil society actors in the country.

Denis Emilien Atangana, president of the Front des Démocrates du Cameroun (Fdc) even organized a march on August 7 in Yaoundé to demand the expulsion of the two men outside our national borders.

However, some Cameroonians like the novelist Calixte Beyala believes, without approving the decriminalization of homosexuality in Cameroon, that the people who have chosen this camp should be left free: “You want to throw these homosexuals out there into vengeance. No. It shows that they were accepted in this community and not that sheWhat do you want a mother to do with her son who is homosexual? I think that without legalizing this, we have to let people be free, ”said the author of It’s the sun that burned me on the set of“ The Club ”presented by Ernest Obama on Sunday August 8, 2021 on Bews1.

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