Accueil » Opinion » Martin Camus Mimb case: Wilfried Ekanga asks Jean de Dieu Momo to leave the government

Martin Camus Mimb case: Wilfried Ekanga asks Jean de Dieu Momo to leave the government

par Theophile
Wilfried Ekanga

Political analyst Wilfried Ekanga asks Minister Delegate to Justice Minister Jean De Dieu Momo to leave the government, after his positions on the Camus Mimb-Malicka affair.

Jean de Dieu Momo has more than once supported the boss of RSI before making a 360 ° turnaround following the exit of the Minister for the Promotion of Women and the Family.

For Wilfried Ekanga, Minister Jean De Dieu Momo has done worse than before. In wanting to clear Martin Camus Mimb in the case between him and Malicka Bayemi, the political analyst believes that the Minister Delegate (Mindel) to the Minister of Justice has insulted not only the woman, but also society. According to MRC activist Wilfried Ekanga, Mindel Minjustice must pay for its positions with resignation or dismissal.

The head, the head

The people demand

The people claim the head of the Jester

It was already a weather anomaly that you were appointed minister.

A real climate change, even for a regime installed in the forcing.

Now, for you to remain in this post after your antics of the past few days would be an insult to woman, to society, to sanity, and to life itself.

A real political blasphemy, even for a fraudulent regime

The head, the head

The people claim the head of the Jester

You have to resign, or a fortiori, we have to get you out of there!

And now.

This suspicion of a country that is Cameroon, must finally prove that all is not lost.

Unless he’s really a country sh… thole.

The head, the head

The people claim the head of the Jester

Waiting for the others

Can’t you feel this pressure building? Don’t you feel the grumbling coming? Leave things, before they leave you. People’s Council to a Jester, ”Ekanga wrote on June 24 on Facebook.

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