Accueil » Politique » Human rights: CRM calls on government to end witch-hunt by foreign NGOs operating in Cameroon

Human rights: CRM calls on government to end witch-hunt by foreign NGOs operating in Cameroon

par Theophile
Maurice Kamto

In a statement made public on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM) denounces an abuse of power, while the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji, threatens to expel NGOs that do not update their file in his services before the end of this month of September.

While we are now in mid-September, there are about two weeks left for NGOs and foreign associations working in Cameroon in the field of human rights to provide the elements of updating their file, as required on August 26, 2021 by the Minister of Territorial Administration Paul Atanga Nji. The administrative authority also threatens to expel from Cameroon those who have not fulfilled this requirement before the end of September 2021.

A position that does not share the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM). In a press release signed on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 from the Deputy National Secretary in charge of Human Rights and Governance, Me Désiré Sikati, the party denounces “an abuse of power” and maneuvers to muzzle these NGOs.

The MINAT press release constitutes a serious attack on the exercise of the activities of foreign associations in Cameroon in that it not only reflects the manifest intention of the regime to control and guide the actions of these NGOs and more specifically those in charge of human rights. In addition, it constitutes a serious violation of human rights insofar as the staff of these organizations could be the subject of any form of intimidation, reprisals etc.… ”, deplores the party of Maurice Kamto.

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For the CRM, this press release from Minat constitutes an obstacle to the work of NGOs in Cameroon. “The CRM recalls that foreign associations exercise their activities in Cameroon in accordance with Articles 15 to 21 of Law No. 90/053 of December 19, 1990 on freedom of association, which law makes no reference to the requirements mentioned by the Minister of Territorial Administration in its press release, ”writes Maurice Kamto’s political party.

Find below the CRM press release

Communiqué1 MRC
Communiqué1 MRC
Communiqué2 MRC
Communiqué2 MRC


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