Accueil » Cameroun » Georges Dougeli: “The Cameroonian government still has its head in the pre-digital era”

Georges Dougeli: “The Cameroonian government still has its head in the pre-digital era”

par Theophile
Georges Dougueli

In a column published on the web on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, the Cameroonian journalist on duty at Jeune Afrique deplores the lack of government communication about the Can Total Energies 2021, about what is said around this competition. offers you the full text

Is there still a government in this country??? Reading so many Cameroonians booing their own country, in chorus with foreigners in good or bad faith, does not seem to bother anyone at the top of the state. Do not throw stones or incense at angry Cameroonians.

We must turn to those who are supposed to govern the country as good fathers of families but who do not seem concerned or do not understand the communication issues of the time. That players, coaches and other journalists allow themselves to lie and denigrate an organizing country throughout a competition financed with thousands of billions by poor Cameroonian taxpayers does not seem to concern them. That CAF hides its negligence by exposing the organizing country is inadmissible. Despite everything, silence at the Ministry of Communication. Similar to the Ministry of Sports. If we still doubted it, it is proof that this government still has its head in the pre-digital era or does not understand the codes of modern communication. “To be is to be perceived,” argued Berkeley.

What is the point of putting generations of Cameroonians in debt to organize a competition that only earns you mockery and jeers? What is the benefit in terms of image?

And even on the political level, it is a mess! The CAN could have been an opportunity to reconcile Cameroonians. Nothing. No. Result: the opponents hide to go to the stadium. Others wish the defeat of their national team. The former Indomitable Lions are ignored or reduced to begging for tickets to the stadium. Not a single member of the employers’ association invited to the opening match when we will need companies to finance the maintenance of the stadiums after the CAN. I’m not even talking about all these personalities at odds with their country, whom we could have invited to start from scratch. The only concern of politicians? Appropriating the management of the ticket office, putting on a good face in front of the president at the opening and closing of the event, arguing over the billions granted for the event… And all this in the most inconsequential of casualness. It looks like a crazy train launched at high speed against the wall.

Meanwhile, everyone imagines they can jump off the train before impact.

Good luck.

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