They are Widows Ekanté Balbine and Lobé Marthe. Their remains are currently in morgues in Douala (Ad Lucem Hospital of “Sable) and Nkongsamba.
In its newsstand edition on August 3, 2021, the daily Cameroon Tribune notes a fact that is unprecedented. Indeed, on August 1, 2021 in the Kotto district in Douala in the Littoral region, the mothers-in-law of the groom and the bride die the day after the marriage of their children. “The story started well last Friday, Ekanté B., 41, a building contractor, joined forces with Josiane at the town hall of Douala III. The next day, an evening in honor of the spouses was organized in a family residence in Kotto (Douala V), a district where the groom also built his home. Which will also welcome some guests, including her mother, widow Ekanté Balbine, 64, and her step-mother, widow Lobè Marthe Catherine, 67. The two ladies will be accommodated in the same room, ”notes the reporter.
“The Saturday evening went off without a hitch. The hearts are light, the dance steps too. Sunday morning, there is still so much food and drink left that a “liquidation committee” is announced for the evening. The extended menu even includes a DJ for the entertainment. This is when we see the absence of the two mothers-in-law, “the newspaper continued.
A young person sent to find them goes to their room. He knocks several times, to no avail. He deduces that they are not there. And the research continues. The phone calls don’t give anything: Widow Lobé’s phone rings, but she doesn’t pick up; that of widow Ekanté does not ring at all (we will discover later that the first device was on silent. and the second off) ”, tells the government daily.
Someone else goes back to the mother-in-law’s room and knocks louder. Then, find that the door is closed from the inside … Decision is made to break it down. Those present then fall on an unbearable picture. One of the women, the mother of the wife, is on the ground, one foot nevertheless resting on the bed.
“The other is on the bed lying on his stomach. Both are dead. Already cold. It is shock, amazement and then lamentation … The police have opened an investigation. The remains of the widow Ekanté were taken to Nkongsamba and that of the widow Lobé was deposited in the morgue of the Ad Lucem hospital of “Sable“, notes Cameroon tribune