These mentally ill people are taken voluntarily or by force to Jamot Hospital.
The hunt for madmen is launched in Yaoundé. In order to clean up and give a new appearance to the political captain in the perspective of the CAN 2021 of football, the City Hall of the city seat of the institutions has launched an operation to remove the insane from the streets. Thus, these people with mental illness are brought voluntarily or by force to Jamot hospital where a center specializing in psychiatry is housed, announced the city mayor.
Besides removing the crazy people from the streets, the town hall of the city Yaoundé has other projects to give a new face to the political capital in view of the CAN 2021: “The gradual withdrawal from the circulation of taxis and vehicles of individuals presenting a poor physical appearance; the development and rehabilitation of sidewalks on major roads; the plugging of potholes. We also invited the inhabitants of the city to paint their houses, ”said Luc Messi Atangana. He was speaking on the national post antenna on August 10, 2021.