Accueil » Éducation » Cameroon – Back to school 2021-2022: more than 500 cases of corruption already denounced to CONAC

Cameroon – Back to school 2021-2022: more than 500 cases of corruption already denounced to CONAC

par Theophile
le révérend docteur Dieudonné Massi Gams

The president of CONAC gave these figures on National Television on Sunday, September 12, 2021.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (CONAC) announces that it has identified “more than 500 cases of denunciations concerning scams” ​​in schools, just a few days after the start of the 2021-2022 school year. These denunciations also relate to “the mismanagement of the PTAs, the illegal increase in chargeable fees and the problem of selling class clothes within the premises“, declared Dieudonné Massi Gams (photo), president of CONAC, on Sunday September 12 on National Television.

A descent of the CONAC teams made it possible to touch the realities on the ground. In Soa in the Division of Mefou-et-Afamba, Center Region for example, it was confirmed in a school, the sale of school uniforms and fees of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) required here amounted to 42,000 francs instead of the required 35,000 FCFA. Anything that arouses the discontent of parents. “Not only will we attract the attention of those responsible, but we will also have the period of sanctions,” warns Dieudonné Massi Gams.

In order to try to put an end to these criminal practices, CONAC has been leading for several years a national campaign in schools called “Back to school without corruption”. Objective: to make students and teachers aware of the values ​​of integrity. This campaign is happening in two phases. An initial awareness-raising phase, notably with the installation of anti-corruption posters and plaques in schools. And a second repressive phase which aims to “collect all the denunciations, carry out the necessary cross-checks and put at the disposal of justice the people convicted of the denounced facts“, according to the president of CONAC.

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