Accueil » Opinion » Cameroon – Anglophone crisis: A Priest asks President Biya to help families in Noso stop mourning their children

Cameroon – Anglophone crisis: A Priest asks President Biya to help families in Noso stop mourning their children

par Theophile
Un prêtre qui s'indigne contre les ravages de la guerre

This priest says that the state has all the means to end the Anglophone crisis.

It was during the funeral mass for a soldier killed on the front lines of the war between the army and separatists in the English-speaking regions of the country.

In the social media buzz video, the priest can be heard shouting out indignation at the ravages of war in the South West and North West Regions.

Officiating at the funeral ceremony of one of the soldiers killed at the front by the separatists, the man of God seized the opportunity to challenge the President of the Republic Paul Biya on the war which only mourns families.

I would like to ask you to kindly convey the message of the grieving families, of the poor families, of the families who lose their children in this way, we ask you to convey this message to the Head of State, that he helps us not to no longer cry our children. The Cameroonian state has every opportunity to stop this murderous war. I pray on behalf of the church, that the head of state will help us stop mourning our children, pass this message on to him, ”the priest said.

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