Accueil » Sécurité » Anglophone crisis: Senator Henry Kemende Gamsey assassinated in Bamenda

Anglophone crisis: Senator Henry Kemende Gamsey assassinated in Bamenda

par Theophile
Sénateur Henry Kemende Gamsey

The tragedy and the kidnapping of the victim’s wife occurred on the night of Tuesday, January 11, 2022.

The upper house of the Cameroonian parliament is in mourning. Senator of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) Henry Kemende Gamsey, was shot last night at a place called Mile 2 in the city of Bamenda, North West region. “He died after being seriously wounded by gunshot wounds. We also learned that his wife, who was by his side, was taken by the assassins to an unknown destination, ”a source told

Who killed the politician, part of the opposition Social Democratic Front? And why ? While waiting for the answers, some accuse the secessionists who have engaged for five years an armed struggle against the central power with the aim of obtaining the independence of the South-West and North-West Regions. Others point to the regime of President Paul Biya “which has decided to eliminate one of the few elected officials who clearly defend the English-speaking cause“.

Master Henry Kemende was elected SDF Senator after the last senatorial elections in Cameroon in 2018.

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