Accueil » Afrique » AfricanChilDay: Message from First Lady Chantal Biya

AfricanChilDay: Message from First Lady Chantal Biya

par Theophile
Chantal Pulchérie Biya

Every June 16, the black continent celebrates the day of the African child. A celebration that calls for a retrospection on the various conditions of children.

n her capacity as Founding President of African Synergies against AIDS and Suffering, First Lady Chantal Biya, very concerned about the situation of children on the continent, pleaded for better care for them in order to promote their emancipation. It is on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the African Child on June 16.

Full message from Chantal Biya

The celebration of the Day of the African Child on June 16 provides an opportunity to take a look back at the road traveled since the Soweto tragedy in 1976.

Despite much progress in health and education in particular, the situation of children on the continent remains worrying.

Infant and child mortality is at alarming levels. Universal access to nursery and primary education remains a challenge. Our children are the main victims of physical, psychological and sexual abuse.

This suffering grieves me.

Together, let’s pull ourselves together. Let us keep our commitments.

Our children are a chance for Africa.

Let’s give them the best of what we have.

Together, let’s work to create more just, prosperous and inclusive environments in which children have their place.

                              Madame Chantal BIYA, The Founding President
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